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Term Definitions
The word "after" has multiple definitions depending on its usage as a preposition, adverb, adjective, or conjunction:
As a Preposition (Shows Relationship)
Following in time – We went to dinner after the movie.
In pursuit of – The police are after the suspect.
Following in order or sequence – The letter "B" comes after "A".
In the style of or inspired by – A painting after Van Gogh.
As an Adverb (Describes an Action)
Later in time – She arrived soon after.
At a later period – Years after, he finally understood.
As an Adjective (Describes a Noun)
Located behind – The after part of the ship (the rear).
As a Conjunction (Links Clauses)
Since or because – She left after she got a call.
1. Network Interface Card (NIC)
In computing, NIC stands for Network Interface Card, a hardware component that allows a computer to connect to a network.
2. National Information Center (NIC)
Used in government and security contexts, referring to a central data or intelligence hub.
3. Nicotine (Nic)
A common abbreviation for nicotine, the addictive chemical found in tobacco and e-cigarettes.
4. Name Incorporation (NIC)
In domain registration, "nic" is often short for "network information center", which is responsible for managing domain names (e.g., nic.io, nic.com are registry sites for those extensions).
5. Short for Nicholas (Nic)
As a name or informal nickname.
Afturnic - undefined
In the case of "Afturnic", the name is likely a play on "Afternic" (GoDaddy’s marketplace) but suggests a "post-Afternic" or "beyond Afternic" movement—something that comes after or as a response to GoDaddy’s practices. It signals a post-Afternic movement that challenges the status quo in domain trading. 🚀